Hi there! So glad you stopped by. In case you are wondering what this space is all about, pour yourself a cup of coffee (or tea, or wine, or juice), pull up a chair, and let me share.
I’ve pretty much always been interested in health and alternative healing and all things natural. Aside from a short stint working at McDonalds while in high school, my lifestyle has always been one of curiosity of how the body and mind work together to create optimal health. This curiosity drove me to study all aspects of the body and mind and how they worked together to create well-being. But back in the early days of my study (early 80s), most of the conversations in this area were about eating right, exercising, not smoking, and other lifestyle choices. But I knew there was something beyond what a majority of scientists and professionals were studying at the time - a world beyond the senses and beyond matter - that was part of who we all are, but that few acknowledged and even fewer worked with: energy.
So I continued my study of the material world (body and mind) while I was continuously open to the possibilities of the world of energy, and constantly pushing the envelope to prove to myself that the two worlds were connected. I knew if I could expand my awareness of what was available to me and what was possible for me, to create a life of health and well-being, then I could share that knowledge with others, who were also looking for a better way to live and “be” in this world.
And here’s a really important part I have to include: My dad told me that life is like a puzzle, and as we go through life, we keep looking for pieces of the puzzle that fit into the big picture: The Puzzle of Life. But the tricky part was, he said, that we never get to complete the puzzle - to find that last piece - until the day we die. And, then it all comes together and makes total sense. I wasn’t willing to settle for that. I wanted to find all of the pieces and see the whole puzzle, while I was still alive. So I continued my journey, searching for more pieces of this puzzle - trying to figure out the “secrets” behind living a life of health, vitality, and overall well-being.
This is what fuels me every single day: waking up and trying to discover new pieces to this puzzle. And I have found that when I keep things natural and work with the the natural order of things, rather than against them, many more pieces of the puzzle fall into place.
So my journey has taken me to some really exciting and, some may say, strange places, and I absolutely love it!! It is incredibly fun for me to figure out ways that I can be the healthiest that I can possibly be and to live my life to the fullest. Sure, there have been bumps along this road, but those have served as tremendous learning and growth opportunities (and I do love to learn!).
Over the years I have learned a ton about quantum physics, nutrition, alternative healing, essential oils, herbs, food, organic farming, soil nutrition, the world of energy, heart centered living, and animals (we currently have 5 horses, 2 dogs, and 4 cats, and numerous other animals that come in and out of our lives that we rescue and find homes for). I’ve trained to be a B.E.S.T. Practitioner (Bio-Energetic Synchronization Technique), am a certified Reikki practitioner, and a certified Health Coach, and I love to combine my knowledge and experience about health, healing, energy, lifestyle, and food, to help others regain their health and well-being, so they too can live a more expansive and satisfying life.
So, to make a long story short (or long!), this “space”, Natural Life, provides me the platform to share the knowledge, strategies, insights and inspirations I’ve found that make the biggest impact on the health and overall performance of myself and those I work with. It’s also a glimpse into the strategies and mindset I gravitate toward when challenges come along. I also will occasionally share where I find Joy and Satisfaction. My intent is to connect with other like-minded individuals, and to inspire and empower those who stop by, to take back their energy and health, and to expand their beliefs about what is possible for them in this lifetime. Stop by any time, sit down with a cup of “cheer” (you pick), say hello, and join the conversation.
Live Naturally,
Nancy Smorch, MBA
BS Health Education and Human Performance
Certified Health Coach
Certified Reikki Practitioner
Certified B.E.S.T. Practitioner